
Mail in Repair: iPad mini no Image Black, Colored screen with vertical or horizontal lines Repair. Image filter and Image IC Repair Service

$100.00 $60.00

iPad mini for no Image, White screen, Blue screen with color lines Repair

Only mail in your logic board!!  Or with the back frame if you are not comfortable to separate logicboard.We do not preform sealing or glue of the iphone, ipad, or replace broken glass.   There is 30$ extra service charge when you mail us a whole sealed ipad with lcd and glass.

This Repair is for ipad logicboard with bluelines and no Image Dark screen but you can see backlight from behind the lcd screen, and your ipad syc with USB to computer.

What happen is the image filter and Image IC can get short out, which need to be replace.

SKU: Mail in Repair: iPad mini no Image Black, Colored screen with vertical or horizontal lines Repair. Image filter and Image IC Repair Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Quantity of

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